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Tag Archives: sopa
Intellectual Property Attaché Act

Pieces of SOPA Resurrected in a New Intellectual Property Attaché Act

May be, the resurrection of the former SOPA is now happening. In a last post we already listed the negative consequences of the SOPA bill. Fortunately this law actually was never adopted. Nevertheless The Intellectual Property Attaché Act slipped in for consideration over the weekend, seems to resurrect some pieces of SOPA to build a global intellectual property [...]

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CISPA the new SOPA – How to bypass CISPA with a VPN service?

CISPA, stands for the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011  (H.R. 3523). More precisely, this new bill is a kind of a successor of the latest SOPA legislative proposal which was shot down at the beginning of the year. According to EFF’s analysis, this bill could be used to give copyright enforcers the ability to spy on [...]

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Worse than SOPA, ACTA claims that most people are guilty unless if you use a VPN service

While sites like Wikipedia, Reddit or even Google protested on January 18th 2012 against SOPA, the ACTA mobilization seemed very small whereas the  law’s restrictions appear to be stronger. There are several criticism of the agreement. Countries like India and Brazil have been vocal opponents, telling it will strongly harm the economy of emerging countries. [...]

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Filesonic disables file-sharing following Megaupload shutdown – Best alternatives to Filesonic

Facing Filesonic’s latest closing, what are your alternatives in order to keep downloading files? In our last article about Megavideo shutdown, we already listed some of the alternatives left for you to keep watching streaming videos. When the federal authorities took down Megaupload, it disabled millions of files and links, that millions of people can [...]

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Alternatives to Megavideo – how to bypass Megaupload’s shutdown with a VPN service?

As you all know, Megaupload, the famous internet’s file-sharing website, has been shut down by officials in the US. Investigators said this arrest had nothing to do with the latest events about SOPA and PIPA. On Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) called on the Protect IP Act to be shelved for the foreseeable [...]

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SOPA protest – VyprVPN shows its protest on its homepage

VyprVPN, the VPN software of Golden Frog showed on Jan. 18 a kind of support of SOPA protest. This wednesday, the SOPA/PIPA bill is being reviewed at the Senate, VyprVPN also shows its position against Internet censorship. See our last article about the SOPA protest and how to bypass it. More information about VyprVPN.

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SOPA protest – HideMyAss VPN service shuts down its web proxy service until Jan. 19

The famous VPN provider HideMyAss shows its protest against SOPA / PIPA new bills, which are being reviewed by Senate on Jan. 18. In its protest speech, HideMyAs compare those bills to: ‘The Great Firewall of China’ and countries such as Iran and Syria See our article about SOPA protest : how to bypass SOPA’s [...]

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SOPA protest – How to bypass Sopa restrictions with a VPN?

What is the SOPA? The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) will be reviewed at the Senate on Jan. 18, and many of the world’s most-visited websites are threatening to shut down all access this day. SOPA would enable to seek court orders against web companies accused of improving copyright infringement — which means anyone who [...]

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