All about VPN Providers news: new VPN Servers, new IP locations, new offers, promotion, etc.

VyprVPN installe un serveur VPN en France.
VyprVPN nous a fait part d’une nouvelle très importante. Le fournisseur VPN a installé un nouveau serveur VPN en France. VyprVPN était déjà présent dans quatre pays auparavant : Les Etats-Unis, les Pays-Bas, le Royaume-Uni et Hong-Kong.
Les offres de VyprVPN peuvent être désormais très intéressantes pour ses clients français qui peuvent aujourd’hui profiter d’une adresse [...]

VyprVPN set up VPN servers in France.
VyprVPN shared a very important piece of news. The VPN-provider set up a new VPN server in France! VyprVPN used to be located on already four countries: United-States, Netherlands, United-Kingdom and Hong Kong.
VyprVPN’s offers can now be very interesting for its French users who can from now on use a French IP address. This can [...]

PureVPN et START-vpn lancent une super promotion récurrente à vie !
Soyez prêts pour une promotion incroyable lancée par PureVPN et START-vpn.
PureVPN offre une réduction de 20% sur son offre illimitée seulement aux visiteurs de START-vpn ! Ainsi, vous pouvez profiter de ce service pour 14,4$ par mois au lieu de 18$.
L’offre illimitée de PureVPN fournit :
passage illimité entre 14 destinations
accàs [...]

Overplay a atteint 46 pays !
Depuis des semaines maintenant, OverplayVPN tient le record du plus large choix de pays dans son offre illimitée (à 9,95$ par mois). C’est encore plus vrai aujourd’hui puisque le fournisseur VPN vient d’ajouter 5 nouveaux serveurs VPN.
Ces nouveaux serveurs se trouvent dans des lieux où les services VPN sont peu présents –tous fournisseurs VPN confondus- [...]

OverplayVPN reached 46 countries!
For several weeks now, OverplayVPN has been holding the record for the largest offer of countries in its unlimited plan (at $9,95 per month). It’s even truer today since the VPN provider added 5 new VPN locations.
These new VPN servers are in places where VPN services are not very present yet -all VPN providers [...]

PureVPN and START-vpn launch a super lifetime recurring promotion!
Be ready for an outstanding promotion launched by PureVPN and START-vpn. PureVPN offers 20% reduction on its unlimited plan only for the visitors of START-VPN.
Therefore you can enjoy this service for $14,4 per month instead of $18! This 20%-reduction works also for the 3-months, 6-months and annual offers.
PureVPN unlimited plan provides you:
unlimited switch between [...]

PureVPN has launched VPN Servers in Sweden and Singapore!
We heard you loud and clear – We ran polls and asked your opinion about next server locations for PureVPN network, Sweden and Singapore ended equally popular so we launched both of these locations. Sweden server can serve PPTP, L2TP whereas Singapore server serves PPTP, L2TP and SSTP.
Both are offered under High Bandwidth/Unlimited packages.

Freedur has been acquired by Moca VPN!
It’s been a crazy past 2 weeks, and we have some news to share.
Freedur has been acquired by Moca VPN. Please go to to download the Moca VPN application, your Freedur login will automatically work on the Moca platform.
Moca VPN features cutting edge VPN technology, you should find the service quality better [...]

TuVPN is launching a new VPN Discount!
When you register with TuVPN for the first time, we offer you a special price for your first month.
Get 60% OFF our ‘1 Month Shared IP’ VPN service.
Here are the promotion codes;
1 Month Shared IP (EUR 3.00): 1MS03
1 Month Shared IP (USD 5.00): 1MS05
How do you use the VPN promotion codes?
Select ‘BUY’ [...]

TuVPN has announced New VPN Pricing!
With growth comes the ability to pass on economies of scale to our customers!
We are able now to pass on reductions of over 30% on all our pre-paid Shared IP VPN accounts! Click here to discover all new prices!
And just to improve things a little more, our Money Back Guarantee period has been increased from [...]