When you register with TuVPN for the first time, we offer you a special price for your first month.
Get 60% OFF our ‘1 Month Shared IP’ VPN service.
Here are the promotion codes;
1 Month Shared IP (EUR 3.00): 1MS03
1 Month Shared IP (USD 5.00): 1MS05
How do you use the VPN promotion codes?
Select ‘BUY’ in the main menu.
In the catalogue click “Add to Cart” for the “1 Month Shared IP” service (price will be in US$ or € depending on your IP address. Be sure to use the appropriate promo code).
At the “Order” summary, enter the appropriate promotion code in the “Promotion Discount” box, then push the “Confirm Code” button. You have now locked in your special price.
Follow the the remaining registration and payment steps……it takes no more than 2 minutes.
Find out why we have a reputation for running a premium VPN service with unrivalled performance.